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  ' Egyptian Empire '

( 3000 B.C. - 30 B.C.)

' Deshret '( Red Crown ) - 'Pharaoh of the Red Horde', was crowned with the ' Red Crown' in the city of 'Memphis'(Egypt). The city of Memphis was founded by Menes

(Born 3100 B.C. - Died 3000 B.C.).

'Hedjet'(White Crown) - 'Pharaoh of the White Horde',was crowned with the 'White

Crown' in the city of 'Athens'(Greece) . The city of 'Isis'(Athens,Greece) was founded

by Menes (Born 3100 B.C. - Died 3000 B.C.).

'Khepresh'(Blue Crown) - 'Pharaoh of the Blue Horde',was crowned with the 'Blue

Crown' in the city of 'Moscow'(Russia). The city of 'Titanis'( Celtiberia,Ptolomaius)

was founded by Menes (Born 3100 B.C. - Died 3000 B.C.).

'Atef '(Gold Crown) - 'Pharaoh of the Gold Horde',was crowned with the 'Gold Crown'

in the city of 'Persepolis'(Iran). The City of 'Persepolis'(Iran) was founded by Menes

(Born 3100 B.C. - Died 3000 B.C.).

The Egyptian Empire consisted of '4 Capitals', (1) Memphis (Egypt),(2) Athens(Greece),(3) Moscow (Russia),(4) Persepolis (Iran),all four cities were founded by

the Egyptian King, Menes (Born 3100 B.C. - Died 3000 B.C.) which make the total

Egyptian Empire. Its around 2650 B.C., that King David conquers the city of 'Titanis'

and renames the city 'Celtiberia'(Ptolomaius),usurps the 'Khepresh'(Blue Crown) and

symbols of Egyptian power,the 'Egyptian Crook' and 'Egyptian Flail',in that same year

Pyramid building begins, by Netjerykhet 'Doser' ( Died 2610 B.C.). We must remember

that the 'Greek Empire'(100 Maius's) was built on 3/4ths (1.Memphis-Egypt,2.Athens-Greece,3.Moscow-Russia) of the 'Egyptian Empire',the city of 'Persepolis'(Iran) was excluded from the 'Greek Empire'( 100 Provinces) for some reason.

(1) The bronze skin man ,brown eyes and black hair known as the Egyptian rules the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),from 3000 B.C. to 2650 B.C.

(2) The white skinned man,blue eyes and yellow hair known as the Celtic rules the

city of 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),from 2650 B.C. to 326 B.C.

(3) The yellow skinned man,brown eyes and black hair known as the Chinese rules the

city of 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),from 326 B.C. to the present.

When King David, captured the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),he basically

was dangling a carrot,that carrot being the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow Russia) in front of the face of the Egyptians,daring them to take back the city of 'Titanis' which the

Egyptians were never able to retake. For over 2300 years,the Celts dangled the carrot

known as 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia) in front of the faces of the demoralized Egyptians,

with the Egyptians not having the ability to retake the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow, Russia),the Egyptians lost battles against the Celts,inturn the Celts were able to conquer lands deep within the heart of the Egyptian Empire,the Egyptians not being able to retake the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),the Egyptians lost credibility on the

battlefield. In 1250 B.C.,we see the takeover of the city of 'Isis'(Athens,Greece) in the time of Moses and Aaron,the Celts have occupied the city of 'Titanis'(Moscow, Russia) for over thirteen hundred years under the 'white skinned,blue eyed,yellow haired man,the Celts now move in on the city of 'Isis'(Athens,Greece),the city of the

'Pharaoh of the White Horde',now the Celts occupy both 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),

'Pharaoh of the Blue Horde' and 'Isis'(Athens,Greece),'Pharaoh of the White Horde',

the Celts in fact control half the Egyptian Empire,now the demand for equal rights in

the Egyptian Empire begins, under Moses and Aaron who lead the Celts to build a new Empire called the 'Greek Empire'. Before 30 B.C., 'Titanis'(Moscow,Russia),'Pharaoh

of the Blue Horde' becomes the property of the Chinese,while the Celts

who now call themselves Romans, control 'Isis'(Athens,Greece), 'Pharaoh of the White Horde' and 'Memphis'(Egypt), 'Pharaoh of the Red Horde,while the Egyptians who now call themselves Persians control 'Persepolis'(Iran), 'Pharaoh of the Gold Horde',

the Romans control 'two' Pharaoh capitals,while the Persians control 'one' Pharaoh

capital.,the majority of the rule falls in the hands of the Romans (two Pharaoh Capitals), after 30 B.C. After 30 B.C.,

(1) 'Chinese' ( 1 Pharaoh Capital )

(2) (Hindu Indian) 'Persians' ( 1 Pharaoh Capital )

(3) (Tatar) 'Romans' ( 2 Pharaoh Capitals ) -Tatar Majority Rule

'Three Castes'

(1 thru 3)

(1) Patrician

(Hindu Indian - 13,000 B.C.)

(2) Praetorian

(Tatar -950 B.C.) - Tatar Majority Rule (a)

(3) Plebeian

(Tatar- April 21,241 B.C.) - Tatar Majority Rule (b)

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