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'Lord of 10,000 years'

I'm sure people have heard the oriental saying "son of heaven ,Lord of 10,000 years",

you may have heard that saying in the country of China and Japan. Outside cultures

get the wrong idea about the saying,people most likely think of the saying as an ambition to reign for 10,000 years,but I would like to point out the fact that the horses

had already left the gates over 15,000 years ago,the winner of the race was the 'Hindu

Indian'(Bronze skin ,brown eyed,black haired man) in the country of India. It was Brahma who started the 'Hindu Indian reign' in 13,000 B.C.,which lasted to 3,000 B.C.,

which inturned ruled three Empires (1) Brahma Hindu Empire,(2) Aztec Hindu Empire,

(3) Abraham Hindu Empire. We do know that their was four principal biological branches descended from Brahma : (1) Buddha (Born 563 B.C. - Died 483 B.C.) - biological 'senior branch famliy' of Brahma,(2) Cleopatra Philopater Ptolomaius VII

(Born 8/12/69 B.C. - Died 8/12/30 B.C.) of 'Athens'(Greece) -biological 'junior branch famliy',(3) Chinese Emperor Xian,a.k.a, Lui Xie (Born 181 A.D. - Died 233 A.D.,last Emperor of Han Dynasty -biological 'junior branch famliy',(4) Japanese Emperor Akihito who is the last biological blood descendant of Brahma - biological 'junior branch' famliy.

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