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' History of the Jew '

The Jewish Religion is dedicated to the sole memory of Alexander 'the Great' (Born 6/10/356 B.C. - Died 6/10/323 B.C.),'Pontifex-Maximus'(from 331 B.C. till 323 B.C.) of 'Athens'(Greece). Alexander 'the Great' was the last 'Pontifex-Maximus' to rule all '100 Greek Provinces'( 100 Greek 'Maius'). The 'Greek Empire' was reduced from '100 Greek Provinces' to '54 Greek Provinces'( later, 'Roman Empire',on April 21,241 B.C.) in 326 B.C. On June 10th,is the day of celebration for the Jew, June 10th,356 B.C., is the birthday of Alexander 'the Great',in Jewish Religion,Alexander is worshipped as the 'Chief Deity' and 'God',nothing less.Years after Alexander 'the Greats' death,the religion got much ridicule,later through the centuries the ridicule escalated to pure hatred among his fellow Greeks.

Judaism Religion (Created June 10,323 B.C. - Persepolis,Iran)

Politics: Autocracy (Hereditary Rule) - Judaism.

Religion: Polytheism (Many Gods) - Judaism.

Nationality: Persian (a.k.a.,Hindu Indian) - Judaism.

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