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'Greek Latus Clavus'

(Plebeian 1-5)

(1) 'White'(Age 1 to 10)

(2) 'Yellow'(age 11 to 20)

(3) 'Green'(age 21 to 30)

(4) 'Blue'(age 31 to 40)

(5) 'Orange'(age 41 to 50)- limited life

* Purple (legatus-Patrician) -Exempt,unlimited life

*Red (tribune-Praetorian) -Exempt,unlimited life

In Ancient Greece,the Greeks had population control,when you were of common background,you died at age 50,if you failed to comply,you were thrown into the arena,

where you would have to fight to the death other 50 year olds to the death,the two winners would be exempt('unlimited life),in plain English,you could live to a ripe old age past 50. The' Legatus'(Patrician) and 'Tribune'(Praetorian) Familys were exempt from this law. During Alexander 'the Great' (Born 6/10/356 B.C. - Died 6/10/323 B.C.) time,there were two bodies of government in the 'Greek Empire'(100 Greek Provinces),the '100 legatus Senate' in 'Athens'(Greece),'100 tribune Castra Praetoria' in 'Sparta'(Peloponnesus). It is said that under Alexander 'the Great',all legatus's and tribunes were under age 30 years old,can you imagine that,nobody over 30 years old

ruling the Greek provinces,many historians point out that was the major reason why

Alexander 'the Great' lost to the Chinese in 326 B.C. In the reign of Tiberius (Born 42 B.C. - Died 37 A.D.),Tiberius changed the law from age 50 years old to 30 years old,

all Plebeian men had to kill themselves at age 30 years old,Tiberius also included 'Tribune' families as well,thats why Lucius Aelius Sejanus (Born 20 B.C. - Died 31 B.C.) 'Praefectus-Praetorio' of 'Sparta'(Peloponnesus) tried to marry Livia Julia (Died 43 A.D.) who was of a legatus family that would make him exempt from killing himself. Many people brag about the good old days when we had a lot of wars that killed major populations of people,creating more land for people to live,but that is not true,the Greeks had a system that controlled population growth,and these were one of the tools of ancient times. If you read in Roman history books,you hear a lot about 'poison shops' and Romans killing themselves in their bathtubs. Greek and Roman law stated if you did not kill yourself by a certain age,you were comitting treason against the state,if you were caught,you were thrown into the arena,women were exempt from this law. Today we have no such system for population control,that's why we have global warming and over population its '147 men to 1 woman' on average,that's why we have sexual harassment,thats why we have tv shows on 50 year old men trying to pickup 12 year old girls,its always a one way street,its always men never women,thats because theres more males being born then females,thats why the sexual harassment by men,thats why its never women who are the predators. Brothels will be found in Patrician states that advocate 'Hereditary rule'(Monarchy),never in a Plebeian state

that advocates 'Elected rule'(Democracy),Plebeian states will persecute the idea of brothels because it advocates 'Hereditary rule'(Monarchy),brothels were also a tool for population control by the Greeks and Romans in ancient times,thats why you hear tales of female amazons,cities controlled by women,whole cities populated by women

in ancient times, this was a fact because of the population control used by the Greeks and Romans. Population control was started by the Hindu-Indian in 13,000 B.C.,later adopted by the Tatar in 2,650 B.C.

'Greek Adulthood'

(Age of majority/Age of consent)

1 -3 caste

(1) Age 15 years old -Patrician

(Hindu Indian - 13,000 B.C.).

(2) Age 18 years old -Praetorian

(Tatar -950 B.C.).

(3) Age 21 years old - Plebeian

(Tatar - April 21,241 B.C.).

Note : 'Age of majority' and 'Age of consent' is one and the same thing. This system was used to recruit Greek soldiers,

it depended which Caste you served,and who you paid your taxes to in ancient Greece. If you lived in a Patrician state,

you could vote,drink,and gamble at age 15 years old. If you lived in a Plebeian state,you could not vote,drink,or gamble at

age 15 years old.

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